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Hawaii's Slack Key John Keawe - Yoshi's Oakland - October 7, 2014

We welcome John Keawe, Hope and family....

Tickets and info:

Grammy award winner and multi Na Hoku Hanohano award winning singer, songwriter and Kiho’alu (Slack Key Guitar) Master John Keawe embarks on an eight city West Coast tour sharing the love and traditions of the place he calls home. Kiho’alu is the Hawaiian cultural tradition of instrumental song and storytelling through slack key guitar compositions. John has fused both traditional tunings and his own unique style to his music, as he shares life’s beloved tales of old legends and living the island lifestyle.

Considered one of Hawaii’s Masters of Kiho’alu (slack-key guitar), GRAMMY and multi Na Hoku Hanohano award winning songwriter and slack-key guitarist, John Keawe, has long been respected and revered for his original artistry of beautiful instrumentals and vocals.

The consummate performer, John has always felt honored to have the opportunity to entertain and share his Aloha with people from around the world. Often, his lovely and graceful wife, Hope Keawe, performs hula along side John, offering inspiring and beautiful interpretations of his songs. John has also had the privilege of being an instructor on numerous occasions at prestigious slack-key music camps such as the one hosted by his friend and colleague, Keola Beamer.

John Keawe continues to leave an indelible imprint in the realm of Hawaiian slack-key guitar music. His music transcends time and is truly an integral part of Hawai`i’s culture and history. John lives on the Big Island of Hawai`i with his wife, Hope and granddaughters at the original homestead of his childhood.

• Considered one of Hawaii’s Masters of Kiho’alu (slack-key guitar)

​• Multi Na Hōku Hanohano Award* recipient​

• GRAMMY winning songwriter and slack-key guitarist

• Resides on Hawaii Island on his father's homestead in Kohala with his beloved family

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